Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Why to Network Marketing

There are people that are for and against about network marketing, I was against it at first.

Those that were against,including me, thought that it was a scam pyramid scheme.

Not long later when I choose to open up my mind, I began to see the potential that network marketing can bring to any individual.

So why do "They", Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki recommend network marketing?

Success comes from within and only by developing yourself, success will follow. Many network marketing companies provide self development trainings to build you as a person in areas such as communication, sales, leadership - all the key areas of what it takes to be successful in life.

Most of us are taught to go to school get a degree, look for a well paying job and work hard. If you are easily contented, you can continue listening to the old school way of teaching.

However, what if you're someone that wants a change or even to stretch your limits? I recommend joining a network marketing business.

In business, in order to be successful, you need to have what it takes. To be able to overcome yourself, shyness, fear of being rejected and most importantly the ability to lead. It is going to be tough for some one new to master all these skills in a short period of time. There are times you are going to fail, you must get back up.

There are essential skills that you must develop in order to be successful, irregardless of whether it is a network marketing business, internet business or brick and mortar business. Success is about the education and time that you are willing to invest in yourself. Like I said, this is not going to be easy and if you are going to give yourself 3 days to have a taste of what it is all about than I suggest you to stop wasting your time.

Another important aspect about network marketing is that it focuses a lot on human interaction and relationship building, so if you are not a social or outgoing person I urge you to start opening up yourself. Though the internet can be a great channel to communicate and interact but the fundamental of communication still follows. Sociability is a must. This applies in traditional businesses as well.

Ask yourself these questions, "Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone? Am I willing to learn the skills even though I don't like? Am I ready to take up challenges? Is the leader inside of me? Am I ready to communicate and talk to people? Am I a rich person soon to be in the making?" If your answer is "YES", start looking for a network marketing business that has a great training program.

It's more of an accident to why I finally open up to network marketing. The benefits that lies unseen in this industry is priceless, moreover it gives you a fair and equal opportunity to succeed.

Generally it cost much lesser to join a network marketing company than to build your own business. Furthermore, treat it as a learning business platform and not a hobby. Very soon, you will be rewarded when the time comes.

Monday, 14 May 2007

The Revenge of a Police Officer‎

What if you can turn your revenge into your desire and ultimately the x-factor that propels you to succeed? This morning I tuned in to discovery channel and it was a documentary on FBI files.

The story was about a man who shot 2 police officers that were on patrol and was on the loose for a long time. 2 of the injured police officers were send to the hospital.

Both officers were in critical condition and one of them died weeks later because of a cloak blood in the head.

Nevertheless, the police officer who was in charge of this case was furious and wanted to bring justice to his colleague who has passed away. He was out for revenge in a way. His desire to solve the case propel him and his team of officers to look for more leads and evidence, in the end it pays off and the suspect was arrested after a long investigation.

So what has this got to do with succeeding in your network marketing business?

The never give up attitude that the police officers have to solve the case. It is the same principle in building your network marketing business. It all comes down to how badly you want to succeed. It has nothing to do with where you come from, who are your friends, what language you speak, it is about your desire and attitude to make it happen.

Many times, we are just too comfortable with what we have now. It is hard for us to step out of comfort zone and strive for more. I know exactly how it felt but there is no other way. If you want to succeed in network marketing, businesses, achieve more wealth, or anything in life you need to step out of your comfort zone. You need to have the desire to want more and eventually your desire will drive you to achieve what you want.

Once you start to believe in yourself, you will have massive success in your business and that is the simple truth.

So make up your mind and dare to achieve more than you ever thought possible. Success is long and yet simple journey. It starts with how much you desire and ultimately your success in
network marketing business will soon follow.

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Green Qi is in TOWN Now!!

Neways has produced yet another FANTASTIC product called 'Green Qi'. Here are some of the benefits one can derive from consuming this Green Qi:

1) Supplies your body with a propriety blend of close to 50 ingredients
3)Supports your Health and Well-being
4)Makes you Feel Healthier, more Energized and Balanced

All these and more! To understand and reap the full benefits of this super green product attend the workshop and find out more!

Date: Friday, 13 th April 2007
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Venue: Neways Training CentreTrainer: Miss Ang Merlin, Product Training Manager, Nutrition

Friday, 6 April 2007

Postering for Profits in Network Marketing

Developing and maintaining the proper posture and action in network marketing drives you to create the success you desire and deserve.
~by David A. Nelson

For network marketing profits, posture is just as important as knowledge.

A proper posture or stature in network marketing is absolutely essential in obtaining lasting profits for you and your downline distributors. Proper posture is positive and powerful. It's readily recognized by those around you - the distributors in your downline, your upline, company contacts, and critically important, by your prospects. You demonstrate it verbally, as well as, non-verbally. Your posture in network marketing is communicated through your words and your actions. Your posture is determined by your thoughts and beliefs.

Posture is defined as the position or attitude of the body. It's the characteristic way of bearing your body. As it pertains to network marketing, it's the frame of mind affecting your thoughts or behavior regarding network marketing. Your network marketing stature is your overall attitude, development, and growth regarding network marketing.

YOU must develop proper posture!

It needs to be positive and powerful. Your posture in network marketing greatly affects your actions and the results you obtain. Potential distributors judge your opportunity by what they see and hear. First impressions, the initial contact by you or your marketing materials, create lasting impressions. For many prospects, your posture is the critical ingredient in the decision to join you in a business relationship. Discover and internalize the elements of proper posture in network marketing and you can attain the success you seek and work to obtain.

In addition to financial success, proper posture is the key to having fun and enjoyment in network marketing.

Proper, positive, and powerful posture is not arrogance. I don't like the connotation or the characteristic of arrogance. Confidence is not arrogance. Confidence is a positive characteristic and of utmost importance for positive results in recruiting and downline development.

Confidence is a part of proper posture.

Once you discover and create the proper posture for network marketing, you remove negative beliefs, fear, barriers of doubt, guilt, and skepticism from your attitude and appearance. In their place you deposit commitment, confidence, empathy, effective and persuasive communication, enthusiasm, and passion. It takes about the same amount of energy to create a negative or poor posture as it does to develop a positive and proper posture for network marketing. Poor posture provides no-win situations. Proper posture produces win-win relationships.

YOU build win-win relationships in network marketing, YOU succeed.

There are
five key elements for proper posture in network marketing. You must develop and maintain all five in order to really engage in the business with all your heart and soul. Many of you already have one or more of them, and hopefully all five. Discovering them and utilizing them empowers you to obtain the proven profits of network marketing that you desire. It makes doing the business much easier. The five elements you need to internalize are as follows:

Posture Number One: "I LOVE network marketing!"

To be a successful professional in network marketing, you must love network marketing. I love network marketing! I have a passion for it. Network marketing is the last bastion of free enterprise. Network marketing offers the most powerful opportunity for the greatest number of individuals to succeed in owning a business. I love network marketing. It's the best way for average people to enhance and own their lives.

I am proud of the theory of network marketing. The theoretical principles that make the business work are powerful. When properly employed, they enable an individual to capitalize on the efforts of many. They empower people to earn a significant residual income and enjoy one of the greatest benefits of lifetime - freedom.

If you are not able to love network marketing because of past experience or lack of knowledge, the key to obtaining the "I love network marketing!" posture, is education. Perhaps you do not comprehend the serious nature of the business opportunity. Maybe someone presented it to you with the wrong focus. Get more good information about the business. Study and learn the principles upon which the theory of network marketing is based.

Once you understand these principles, choose an opportunity that conforms to them and can provide you the financial rewards that you seek. When properly presented and worked, programs that are built upon correct principles do not produce negative experiences.

The theory makes good business sense.

Use your business sense in evaluating the industry and any opportunity presented to you. There are programs that foster the "I love network marketing!" posture.

When you love network marketing, you are never embarrassed about being in network marketing. You readily convey to others that you are a network marketing professional with a tremendous part-time or full-time career opportunity. You don't have to use the "curiosity approach" or hide behind deceptive prospecting techniques sneaking up on people in an attempt to get them in the business. The "I love network marketing!" attitude is recognized by prospects. They feel and know that you are sincere about what you are doing. Many are attracted to you because of your posture.

Posture Number Two: "I LOVE my company!"
If you are to sell others on your company, you must love your company! You must believe that it's a dynamic company with great products, great management, great stability, a great compensation plan, great vision, and great potential. You love the company because it offers a complete and realistic business opportunity for individuals from all walks of life, and especially for part-timers. You are proud to tell others that you are associated with "XYZ Network Marketing Company." You believe the company offers an unprecedented business opportunity and that the timing is right to be involved with your company.

Because 90% to 95% of the participants in network marketing are part-time networkers, in order to love your company, the compensation plan must be designed to enable these part-time networkers to create significant residual bonus checks. If part-time participants cannot make money, how can you love the company?

I love the company that I represent.

All companies have challenges they must continually work through. They change, and there are always challenges. That is true for network marketing companies, as well as, what others consider to be more conventional and traditional companies. It's part of business. To increase the love of your company, obtain and digest additional company information! Read the policies and procedures of your company. Learn about the management and key executives. Become familiar with the company's mission statement.

Because I have the strong postures of numbers one and two, when people ask me what I do for a living, I answer, "I'm in network marketing with a company called XYZ Company. What have you heard about XYZ Company?"

I respond with positive emotion and feeling. I say it with enthusiasm.

I am not a "closet networker" that is embarrassed to let others know that I am a network marketing professional.

Posture Number Three: "I LOVE my company's products!
I am my best retail customer!"
What this means is that I am a product user. Networkers have been taught to be "a product of the product." You cannot expect others to get excited about your products if you don't use them and love them yourself. When you are your best "retail" customer and use the products, you know from personal experience that the products work. You give personal, persuasive testimonial to the results that you obtain. You develop total confidence in the products and their validity. You continually use the products and make them available to others with enthusiasm and passion. Your prospects and customers can tell from your posture if you really love the products and are using them. Yes, I love my company's products! They enhance my life and are valuable to me! "I am my best retail customer!"

Posture Number Four: "I LOVE my distributor support organization! I tap my team members into the support organization!"
A distributor support organization is essential to your success. Of course, company-provided support is necessary and helpful. But it's critical to obtain training, support, and motivation from peer-group distributor leaders. These are individuals that are in the field. They are earning bonus overrides. They have "hands-on" experience in building distributor organizations and know how to teach others about team building and the development of residual bonus income.
A distributor support organization should provide a "track to run on" that encourages and supports duplication.

Distributors can benefit from the leadership, tools, and training that make financial success in network marketing attainable for anyone who is willing to work for it. There should be key leaders providing the support and systems who have a proven track record of financial success in network marketing. The upline mentors and systems must teach and assist part-timers, newcomers, and full-time career professional to make money. The support organization should offer several synergistic turnkey systems utilizing fundamental principles of relationship building and financial success.

You should have a strong desire to tap into the support organization because the leaders are people driven with a focus on teaching the business of network marketing, as well as how to do the business.

The beauty of an appropriate distributor support organization is that it provides "institutional" support to all members of the team. Team members can tap into the support in many ways and don't have to rely solely on personal sponsors for support and motivation.

Such systems as personalized web sites, 24/7 audio and video recordings, newsletters, training, motivation, getting started in the business, and especially live, interactive conference calls are powerful elements of an institutional support organization. New team members and part-time team members can benefit from the personal assistance of key leaders and top money earners if they have access to them.

Tapping your team members into the many systems of the support organization encourages and supports duplication. It increases the continuity of the program. Wise networkers love to be a part of an institutional support organization that remains focused on building personal relationships among its team members. I love our distributor support organization and tap all of my team members into the various systems that are in place.

Posture Number Five: "I ALWAYS seek win-win relationships
Many people are able to develop the first four postures. The fifth may be the most difficult for people to acquire, and once you are in the business, perhaps it's the most important.

Network marketing is based upon win-win relationships.

It's really a team effort. If a network marketing opportunity is based upon the theoretical principles of network marketing, it builds win-win relationships for many, many people, and not just a select few who profit at the expense of the vast majority. When only a few succeed, it is win-lose.

Another way in which a win-lose relationship takes place, is when people come into the business and expect you, the sponsor or upline, to build the business for them. This does not work in the long run for the sponsor.

To produce a win-win relationship, requires that people work together for a common goal.
It means the sponsor or upline works with the downline, but not doing it alone, for the downline distributor.

Always seeking win-win relationships puts you in a comfortable and proactive position. It helps your recruiting and prospecting mentality. YOU reject those prospects who do not like network marketing for one reason or another. YOU decline working with someone who does not see the power and financial rewards of your opportunity. YOU reject those who do not comprehend the significance of the results your products provide. YOU choose not to work with someone who expects you to build the business for them and those who join network marketing with a "win the lottery" expectation.

Any of these relationships would be win-lose or possibly even lose-lose. When you determine that a relationship will not be win-win, reject it. In this way, YOU become the "rejecter" instead of the "rejectee." Then, you no longer fear rejection as some people do. Then, you proactively prospect, seeking win-win relationships and determine if YOU want the relationship. You look forward to contacting people because you are looking for those who desire a win-win relationship. Your attitude remains positive. You talk to people and remain enthusiastic. You find and attract business builders.

If you allow others to reject you and destroy your positive attitude, then prospecting and follow-up become negative experiences. You become reluctant to call or talk to others. You are not sure if you want to follow-up with a prior contact.

When you have the posture that "nobody rejects me," the telephone never gets heavy.

You are never reluctant to share this opportunity with others. If they don't see the same thing in the opportunity that you do and don't desire to build a win-win relationship, YOU kindly and politely reject them. When YOU decide that you are not going to work with someone, make sure to ask for referrals, names and phone numbers of people they know that do like network marketing opportunities.

Once you truly get the fifth posture, you can have great fun and generate tremendous success in your business. It enables you to take charge of your business. You no longer have to deal with rejection the way that others teach you to do. You are not rejected. You simply don't allow it to happen to you.

I have a friend with two brothers. One is a millionaire in the hotel industry, while the other is a full-time network marketing professional with a posture for profits! He did not always have the proper posture. Once he obtained it, he was so excited and committed about his opportunity, the products, and about helping people that he could not help but present the program to his millionaire brother. He was not worried about what his brother would think. He knew the program could assist his brother. He felt compelled to share it because he cared about his brother. That's what getting the proper posture is all about. You can talk with anybody about your network marketing business.

Another way to express this fifth posture is: "I reject people, nobody rejects me!" Once you comprehend the nature of win-win relationships, you realize that this is not a negative way to express the posture. It is absolutely essential to your success in network marketing.
From Self-Affirmation to Mentor

These five principles of proper posture in network marketing are powerful statements of positive affirmation. Read the statements out loud every morning and evening along with other self-affirmation statements. This habit helps you feel good about yourself and your involvement in network marketing. You are encouraged and motivated. You eliminate negative thoughts regarding network marketing. When you change the way you think and believe, you dramatically change your posture. These changes lead to a change in the way you act.

Developing and maintaining the proper posture and action in network marketing drives you to create the success you desire and deserve.

The proper posture in network marketing makes you a role model for others to copy. Now you create real duplication in your downline. You become the mentor as others recognize the positive stature that you bring to the business. Those who create and enjoy residual income and time freedom do it through the power of duplication. Be someone that others want to copy.
Develop and model the positive and proper posture in network marketing that enables you to obtain significant financial profit in your life.

Thursday, 11 January 2007

5th Jan Rendezvous with Mr Shibatomi and Mr Kosugi

~Huang Jianwei [my downline and beloved daughter(:]

5th Jan Rendezvous with Mr Shibatomi and Mr Kosugi was a blast! Really.. those who missed it really missed THE BIG THING!!!

Initially, being a teenager myself, I dreaded the idea of going for business talks in hotels and so on. I always thought these conferences were b.o.r.i.n.g. Mr Shibatomi and Mr Kosugi, however, were very entertaining and inspiring speakers. At the end of the day, I surprised my mum when I asked her whether I could attend her presentations on TUESDAY night and SATURDAY afternoon!

Being a new distributor, I am very new to this business and had no idea how to start! Fortunately for me, Mr Shibatomi unveiled to us his Business Strategy of: '3X3=40'. According to Mr Shibatomi, this strategy is simple to follow and guaranteed to work! Here it goes:

In the 1st month, what you need to do is to fulfil your 180PV by enjoying the high quality products. In addition to that, you also need to PAY IT FORWARD, that is, to help 3 other persons by introducing them to healthier products and a better business. In the 2nd and 3rd months, you continue to fulfil your 180PV. Is not this killing two birds with one stone --- One, you become healthier because of your consumption of the products. Two, you get to make a difference in another person's life by introducing the quality products to him/her thus transforming his/her health!

Furthermore, your initial 3 persons would just need to again PAY IT FORWARD by helping another 3 of their friends and your network would grow with 9 new downlines! These 9 people would then PAY IT FORWARD and help another 3 more of their friends and that makes 27 downlines! In the months that follow, you can just let the business work itself! Now, you can enjoy the products, help transform other people's lives by introducing them to healthier choices of purchase, help them make money like never before and make BIG money yourself! All in all, 1(yourself)+3+(your friends)9+27(their friends)=40(your network)! Therefore, '3X3=40' is as Mr Shibatomi says: "It is a simple business but it is definitely NOT easy."

Indeed, I was truly inspired by the presentations, especially that of Mr Shibatomi. After the session, we went to shake hands with Mr Shibatomi and asked him a few questions. He really impressed me with his answers!

Mum: How do we go about getting our source of people?
Mr Shibatomi: You get them everywhere! Even on the streets...
Mum: On the streets?
Mr Shibatomi: When I first started, I used to wait at the bus stops and randomly talk to people. The first step is to be friends. The only wrong thing I did was I waited at a bus stop that was just in front of a hospital. So when I asked them 'How are you?', the response wasn't very good. (gives a smile) You should try bus stops near the banks!

People who were listening all around him burst out laughing:) and this was the atmosphere that was ongoing throughout the whole meeting. It turned out more like a gathering of very good friends than some old boring business seminar:)

Lastly, I want to end my post with an inspiring video reccommended by my dearest papa. This video introduces the fundamental concept of spreading the message and helping people. It is not about paying back, it's about paying it FORWARD:)


Thursday, 4 January 2007

Neways Rendezvous with Mr.Tetsuya Shibatomi and Mr.Tomomi Kosugi tomorrow!

Let Neways partner you in making 2007 a year of absolute achievement by bringing you two dynamic speakers – Mr.Tetsuya Shibatomi and Mr.Tomomi Kosugi, who are among the most promiment achievers in the Japanese MLM industry today.

Mr. Tetsuya Shibatomi

It is not exaggerating to state that Neways Japan, Inc. would not have gained such success without one of its most outstanding Distributors, Mr. Tetsuya Shibatomi, who significantly, contributes to Neways not only as a Crown Diamond Ambassador but also as one of the premier Advisory Board Members. Some of you may have heard of his name, or even seen him on stage and been moved by his passion for Neways.

33 years ago, Mr. Shibatomi went to the United States on his own. After holding various positions in the business world, he became the owner of the Seattle biggest Japanese restaurant. His "American Dream" was seemed to be coming true. Unfortunately, the September 11th terrorist attack took place and his dream just slipped away all out of a sudden. However, this happening has served as an awakening call for him to kick start his career again with Neways opportunity.

No one could possibly convince him to sign up for the Neways Distributorship, except for his sister, Ms. Mamiko Nonami, who is also a Crown Diamond Ambassador in Japan.

In 1998, he came across the Neways business and has since embraced two principles which are "to introduce how great Neways is to someone with the right way" and "Neways brings health, wealth, and happiness to all family." His policies are simple yet his attitude of looking at things from a different aspect has determined his altitude as a Distributor.

Today, thanks to his success in Neways, he is traveling everywhere around the globe besides spending most of his time in both Seattle and Tokyo. Wherever he goes, he is consistently known as a very active Distributor. His downlines are beyond borders, and he is supporting Distributors from all over the world through events and meetings.

Being on a busy schedule always, he never loses his smile and nothing can dampen his blithe spirit. This is why Neways Japan, Inc. is proud to present him as a speaker to the world.

Tomomi Kosugi

In December 2000, Tomomi Kosugi was assigned as the Managing Director of Neways Japan. With a strong experience due to his long involvement in this industry, Tomomi Kosugi’s influence has been a turning point in Neways Japan history.

His basic approach is to engage most of his time in Distributor relation building. Every year Mr. Kosugi achieves over 150 domestic visits throughout Japan. His devotion has built up a tremendous relation between Neways Japan, Inc. and its Distributors has in turn benefited his new strategy for Neways, revolving around his motto: "The Products, The Business, The Mission and The Passion". This four key statement has successfully revolutionised a paradigm shift within the Japanese Distributors, that increased from 90 000 people in year 2000 to 530 000 people in year 2006.

Service towards the Distributors is not the only area Mr. Kosugi’s management focuses on. Neways Japan has developed tremendous product offer with a catalogue of more than 200 items in 2006 (against 60 in 2000). Mr. Kosugi also improved the internal organisation of Neways Japan, Inc. to adapt to its new growth. Under his leadership and guidance, the company annual sales has known a steady 2 figures growth ever since, reaching 67 billion Yens in 2006 thus making Neways the second largest company of this industry in Japan.

Tomomi Kosugi also expresses his concerns on the limitations of the Japanese Regulations and social barriers in the MLM industry. As a leader in the industry, he eagerly wishes to influence the image and laws of the MLM industry and therefore improve future business opportunities in Japan. Being one of the most successful MLM companies in the country, Tomomi Kosugi is anticipating Neways to be soon the "Number ONE and Only ONE Company" in Japan.Mr. Kosugi's strong dedication to Neways Japan, Inc. Distributors, apart from attending more than 150 meetings every year nationally and internationally, can also be seen in many supporting activities through the opening of showrooms in Japan main centres (Tokyo, Fukuoka, Osaka, Sapporo, Okinawa) where the Distributors can try first hand the products and hold various business meetings.

His 6 years effort to make Neways the leader of the industry culminated in April 2006 with the huge success of the "Japan Convention in Fukuoka", a two day record-breaking event attended by 60,000 Distributors. The upcoming 2007 Japan Convention will be held at Makuhari Messe near Tokyo in hope to see even more foreign Distributors attending this time.

Meeting Schedule
Date: 5th January 2007, Friday
Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Amara Hotel (165 Tanjong Pagar Road) – Ballroom 1, Level 3

Don't miss the opportunity for a close encounter with these history-makers in the Japanese MLM world. Rally your prospect to the meetings! Call Wong Liang Fong at 97517804 now! Or email bhnlf@hotmail.com for a non obligatory discussion. God bless!